The Union of Employers of Montenegro and the Union of Construction and Construction Material Industry of Montenegro have adopted the Sectoral Collective Agreement on Amendments to the Sectoral Collective Agreement for Construction and the Construction Material Industry.
New coefficients:

New articles:
“Article 7a
Working time redistribution can last up to one year, with reference periods of two times six months.”**
Article 12a
“By a collective agreement with the employer or a general act of the employer, in the absence of a collective agreement, the calculation value of the coefficient and the coefficient of job complexity may be set at an amount different from the one established by this collective agreement, provided that the base salary of an employee by job group determined in this way cannot be lower than the salary obtained as the product of the calculation value of the coefficient and the coefficient of job complexity defined by this collective agreement.
In the case referred to in paragraph 1 of this article, the calculation value of the coefficient cannot be less than the calculation value of the coefficient established in accordance with this collective agreement.”**
Amendments in the bolded sections of the articles:
Article 14
The base salary of an employee is increased per hour: (previously: the salary of an employee, excluding the starting salary component, is increased per hour:)
- 40% for night work (between 10 PM and 6 AM the next day);
- 150% for work on a state or religious holiday;
- 40% for overtime work.
- 10% for each hour of on-call duty at home, provided the employee responds promptly to the call during the on-call period.
Article 15
The base salary of an employee is increased for each completed year of work experience: (previously: the salary of an employee, excluding the starting salary component, is increased per hour:)
- up to 10 years: 0.5%
- from 10-20 years: 0.75%
- over 20 years: 1.00%.
Article 26
During work outside the regular workplace, for a continuous period longer than 24 hours, the employee is entitled to a field allowance.
If free accommodation and meals are provided to the employee in the field, they are entitled to a field allowance amounting to 3% per day of the calculation value of the coefficient. (previously: 2% per day of the calculation value of the coefficient).
If only accommodation or only meals are provided to the employee in the field, they are entitled to a field allowance amounting to 15% per day of the calculation value of the coefficient.
If neither accommodation nor meals are organized in the field, the employee is entitled to a daily field allowance of 20% per day of the calculation value of the coefficient.
For travel to and from the field, the employee is entitled to reimbursement of travel costs equivalent to the cost of public transport, if the employer has not organized transportation.
Article 39
This sectoral collective agreement may terminate by mutual agreement of their representatives or by termination.
In the case of termination, it must be provided in writing to the other party, specifying the reasons for termination and a notice period that cannot be shorter than three months from the date of termination. (Deleted sections have been crossed out.)
Article 41
In the case of termination of this sectoral collective agreement, it remains in effect for six months from the date the termination is delivered to the other contracting party. (previously: it remains in effect for at least six months from the date determined for termination.)
At the expiration of the period referred to in paragraph 1 of this article, this sectoral collective agreement ceases to apply.
This Sectoral Collective Agreement was published in the “Official Gazette of Montenegro” on February 2, 2024, concluded on January 23, 2024, and enters into force on the eighth day after publication.
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