The Ministry of Finance has issued the following changes in regulations:
Regulation on Amendments and Additions to the Regulation on Detailed Spatial and Technical Conditions for Slot Machine Clubs and Reporting Templates on Operations and Meter Readings (“Official Gazette of Montenegro,” No. 106/24, dated November 1, 2024);
Regulation on Amendments and Additions to the Regulation on Detailed Spatial and Technical Conditions that Casinos Must Fulfill and Templates for Daily Table Game Settlements (“Official Gazette of Montenegro,” No. 106/24, dated November 1, 2024);
Regulation on Amendments to the Regulation on the Template for Monthly Records of Business Results for Organizing Online Games of Chance (“Official Gazette of Montenegro,” No. 106/24, dated November 1, 2024);
Regulation on Amendments and Additions to the Regulation on Spatial and Technical Conditions for Organizing Betting Games (“Official Gazette of Montenegro,” No. 106/24, dated November 1, 2024).
These regulations come into effect on the day following their publication in the “Official Gazette of Montenegro.”
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